I have put myself in the place of a Greek architect of 500 BCE. Using only the tools that an architect of the time would have – a straightedge, triangles, and compass, I drafted all of my analysis drawings by hand. Neither he nor I had the advantages of computer technology or higher math.  I used only a hand-held calculator to save the time of calculating or confirming varieties of proportions. By making all the drawings by hand, I had to take the time to draw, to meditate, and to fully experience the creation of the exquisite interrelated shapes and forms with their sacred proportions and meanings. Over the past seven years, I have made over 1000 drawings illustrating and interpreting this Sacred Geometry.

The Golden Section, the Golden Ratio, and The Golden Mean, were a mathematical and geometrical puzzle of interest to the ancients. Sacred Geometry, a language immersed in esoteric mysticism, was probably disclosed to very few masters, perhaps explaining why modern investigations are limited to the study of the remains of structures, and cannot be supplemented by treatises written at the time, now lost. Some believe that statements made by stone edifices are our only reliable guides for an inductive analysis of their actual designs. However, we do have many in-depth investigations and studies made by architects, scholars, and archeologists who have written about ancient architecture, geometry, art and their beauty. Among those referenced in my proof are the following: Jay Hambidge,1915 CE; Vitruvius, 30 BCE; Leon Battista Alberti, ca.1450 CE; LucaPacioli,1490 CE; Leonardo Da Vinci, 1490 CE; Protagoras, 447 BCE; Pythagoras, 500BCE; Fibonacci, 1200 CE; Iktinos, Kallicrates, Pheidias, 447 BCE; Benoit Mandelbrot, 1975 CE.