On Guardian Mountain tells the intimate story of Kenneth Barricklo who lives with his wife Gioia Timpanelli amongst the trees in Woodstock, New York. Kenneth, a restoration architect with a love and an eye for the past, has re-discovered an ancient and sacred geometry based on the Golden Rectangle and has proven how it was fundamentally used in the design of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. His journey continues on to the city of Athens where he plans to present his findings to the architects and engineers working on the restoration of the famous temple.

The film seeks to illuminate the complexities and nuances of what it means to work with intention & passion as well as the personal process of coming to terms with one's own ideals and expectations. From the wild turkeys and deer on Guardian Mountain to the time-weathered marble of the Acropolis, we are reminded of the microcosm within the macrocosm; of constructed order within chaos; of truths not so hidden and distant as they might first appear.